Everyone is talking about fish oil pills. Taking a fish oil supplement is an easy lifestyle change that can help increase your lifespan, prevent heart disease, and promote brain health. In this post we shall look at some of the important health benefits of fish oil pills.
For Starters, People with high blood pressure or a family history of heart disease should definitely consider taking fish oil pills. However, even those who are perfectly healthy can reap the benefits of fish oil pills to prevent health problems later in life.
How Can Fish Oil Pills Help My Heart?
Many people diagnosed with hypertension and high blood pressure are encouraged to try adding fish oil to their diets. The benefits of fish oil pills include reducing blood pressure, regulating the heart rate, slowing the development of plaque in the arteries and reducing triglycerides.
There is good evidence that omega-3 fatty acids (namely EPA and DHA) found in fish oil can help prevent and treat atherosclerosis by preventing the development of plaque and blood clots. (University of Maryland Medical Center)
What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil Pills For My Brain?
Studies suggest taking fish oil pills can stimulate a healthy mind. In a study from Rhode Island Hospital's Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center, those who took the supplement for three years scored higher and had less brain shrinkage than the control group.
Now, fish oil is not a panacea and has its limitations. For example, those who carried the gene that increases risk for Alzheimer's disease did not see any benefits.
While fish oil does not have the ability to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease, it can promote better memory in healthy older individuals without the disease. WebMD says that while it is possible for the supplement, particularly DHA supplements, to "stave off 'senior moments'," it cannot be recommended for those diagnosed with Alzheimer's. So, what are the benefits of taking it?
What Are Other Fish Oil Benefits?
Fish oil pills can help reduce pain in women with severe menstrual cramps. The pills can also help prevent miscarriages and early delivery in pregnant women. They can help reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, ADHD in children, asthma and kidney damage. (National Institute of Health)
What Are The Side Effects?
Fish oil pills are natural. So, they do not carry many side effects. Of the few, fishy breath and a fishy taste in the mouth are the most common. This effect can be combatted by carrying sugar-free gum, and taking the pills before meals or snacks. The quality of your supplement also matters. Always opt for a quality fish oil supplement.
Other side effects include stomach upset and diarrhea. These side effects tend to disappear after a few weeks of taking the supplement on a daily basis. If you are especially prone to stomach upset, start with a very small dose. High doses of fish oil can also increase risk of bleeding as the oil has blood-thinning properties.
Of course, if you have a fish allergy it may be best to avoid them or take them under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
When it comes down to it, the benefits of fish oil pills do outweigh any downsides.
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